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5 Unexpected Benefits of LASIK

5 Unexpected Benefits of LASIK

Most people know LASIK is a good option for people who want to get rid of their glasses or contact lenses. That’s a major advantage — but it’s not the only benefit of LASIK surgery.

In fact, LASIK improves your overall visual experience in lots of key ways, which is one reason it’s been a popular option for the millions of people who’ve had the procedure since it was introduced a quarter century ago. 

Rodrigo Belalcazar MD, PLLC, and our team at Advanced Eye Center in Hialeah, Florida, offer LASIK surgery using the most advanced techniques for optimal results in every patient. Here, learn about five LASIK benefits you might not have thought about before.

1. Makes hobbies more comfortable

LASIK makes your vision clearer without the hassle of glasses or contact lenses, meaning you can immerse yourself in your favorite hobbies without thinking about how well you’re seeing. Many people find activities like sports, gardening, and hiking more comfortable without worrying about glare, discomfort, or contact lens loss. 

Even something as simple as reading or watching a movie while lying in bed becomes simpler and more comfortable: No more worries about falling asleep with your contacts in or continually adjusting your glasses when you lie on your side or shift positions.

2. Reduces allergy symptoms

Many people with allergies are surprised to find their symptoms improve following LASIK. You won’t experience the dryness, redness, and irritation that occur when pollen, dander, or other tiny airborne particles get trapped by your contact lenses. 

You also won’t find yourself rubbing your eyes to eliminate discomfort and transfer allergens from your hands to your eyes. The result is clearer vision and more comfortable eyes even at the height of allergy season.

3. Makes good vision more natural

When you wear corrective lenses, good vision is never “natural” — you need to take special steps to see clearly. With LASIK, you enjoy clearer vision effortlessly without glasses or contacts, helping you feel more relaxed and confident. Better overall visual comfort and clarity improve everyday experiences in personal, workplace, and social settings.

4. Long-term cost savings

It’s true LASIK involves an initial investment that might, at first glance, seem more costly than contacts or glasses. But when you consider how often you need to update your lenses and pay for contact lens solution, it’s easy to see how LASIK can save you money over time. 

You also won’t need to worry about prescription sunglasses once your vision is corrected, resulting in even more savings (and potentially more fashion choices).

5. Improves vision in more ways than you might think

Everyone knows LASIK improves refractive problems like farsightedness, nearsightedness, or astigmatism. But what you might not know is that many people find it improves their peripheral vision, night vision, and overall field of view. 

Some people find they gain additional lines of sight on the eye chart, helping them see better in all sorts of environments and when enjoying activities requiring optimal vision like sports or driving.

Learn more about LASIK

Bottom line: LASIK provides you with a level of freedom you just can’t experience with glasses or contacts. To learn more about LASIK and how it can benefit you, call 305-707-6011 or book an appointment online with Dr. Belalcazar and our team at Advanced Eye Center today.

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